Coach Profile

ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter

  • Evita Hadiz


Evita has over 30 years experience in Human Resource (HR) Management as an Executive Practitioner, Consultant and Coach across various industries. As a Consultant and Coach, Evita has worked for Korn Ferry, a global consulting firm and now she partners with various HR consulting and coaching firms, providing solutions and coaching to their clients. Evita has been working with top management, managers and professionals for MNCs, local, conglomerates, state owned companies, government offices, NGOs and MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise). Whilst with Korn Ferry, Evita has regional experience in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Algeria and Yemen. As an HR practitioner, Evita’s last role was as HR Director for a MNC FMCG, Johnson Home Hygiene Products, a subsidiary of SC Johnson. During her tenure, she played a key role in the integration of 4 companies into 1 company as a result of acquisition and was actively involved in 5 change management initiatives (e.g. acquisition, SAP, rightsizing). Evita is a certified coach (ICF, ACC credential). Her area of coaching is in leadership, performance, career and mental wellbeing. Through coaching she helps her coachees among others: prepare for a higher leadership role and managing their team effectively, address performance issues, career transition/mobility and work and relationship issues (burnout, stress, anxiety and life challenges).

Coaching Specialization : Job/Career Change, Organizational Leadership Development, Personal Growth, Work-Life Balance, Mental Wellbeing
Type of Client : Personal and Organizational
Credential : ACC
Fluent Languages : English and Bahasa Indonesia
Personal Website :
Status : Active


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